
EasyHit Shooting Bead 0.10" / 2.5mm

Product # 1132789
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Product Description

Where does EasyHit!! Fibre Optic Shotgun Foresight fit in?
EasyHit!! allows the shooter to gain some voluntary control over the brain's ability to override the existing dominance.
For shooters with mixed or shallow dominance (middle vision), we can voluntarily deepen the dominance to ensure more consistent performance.
For shooters with cross-eye dominance, we can override the habitual dominance without loosing all of the important benefits of binocular vision.
So in summary all of the critical visual skills required to perform well in our sport:
Visual acuity
Visual field
Target location
Are all reliant on maintaining binocular vision.
EasyHit!! offers a simple and natural solution that I endorse.
Victor Scrooby
Sports Vision Optometrist.
Supplier and consultant to the Great Britain Target
Shooting Federation World Class Programme.


Step 1 - Prepare
Hold one of our Eye Sight Tester cards or a DVD between your trigger finger & thumb. With both eyes open hold the DVD with your arm straight at waist height in front of you. Slowly raise the DVD at arms length to any small stationary object. Look through the hole at the chosen object.
Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Step 2 - Check
On the third raising close or cover your left eye with your left hand if you are a right-shouldered shooter.
If you are a left shouldered shooter close or cover your right eye with your right hand.

Step 3 - Result
Does the object you were looking at through the hole vanish from view? Or is it still visible through the hole?

Step 4 - Reason
If the object remains visible your Master Eye is aligned to the rib which is good news. (You should now test for Middle Vision by checking the next page "Test for Central/Middle Vision").
However, If the object vanishes from view you have Cross Eye Dominance which needs correction in order to shoot accurately with both eyes open.
So, during the test you started with both eyes open and then obscured or closed the eye not aligned to the rib. If the object moved it proves that the eye not aligned to the rib has the dominant view and will result in you pointing the gun in the wrong direction (see "How it Works").

Step 5 - Remedy
You need to find a way of establishing the dominance in the correct shooting eye (the eye that follows the line of the rib) ideally without reducing your peripheral vision (breadth of view) or binocular vision (judging distance).
The Easy Hit!! bead is designed to achieve these objectives easily and naturally by tricking the brain into subconsciously and voluntarily accepting the eye over the rib as the dominant eye. The correction will continue until you remove the Easy Hit!! bead. The correcting effect of the Bead does not require you to look at it whilst shooting! It will be explained in detail in the following pages

It is generally considered that safe and consistent results are best achieved when shooting with both eyes open.
Sadly, even if the test for cross eye dominance on the previous page shows that you have a 'correct' master eye there is still a strong possibility that your sight pictures and hence your hit rate will be affected by 'Middle' vision. (This term is also known as 'central' or 'shallow vision').

To test for ‘Middle’ vision you need the assistance of a second person:

Step 1:
The assistant stands about 4 feet away facing you with one eye completely covered by their hand.
Step 2:
You take the Easy Hit eyesight tester card or a CD in your 'trigger' finger and thumb. Hold the CD at arms length at waist height directly in front of you.
Step 3:
You raise the CD slowly at arms length straight up the centre of your body and view the visible eye of your assistant through the hole. Repeat the test three times and on the third raising keep the CD raised so you can still see their eye in the centre of the hole.
Step 4:
The assistant looks through the hole and tells you what they see. As they have perfect eye dominance (they are only using one eye), they will see the effect of middle vision and where your gun is really pointing.
They will be seeing images similar to those shown in the 3 pictures to the right.
Conversely, where middle vision has been confirmed, field trials show that there are a number of shooters who are lucky enough to have the effect corrected naturally by simply placing the gun in the shoulder.
The gun produces such a distraction that the middle vision revealed in the test is overcome whilst shooting. However, most shooters who benefit from this anomaly admit that the middle vision returns during the latter stages of a shoot, probably due to the effects outlined below.

Eye dominance may be affected on a day to day basis for a variety of reasons e.g. approaching puberty or middle age, the effects of de-hydration, reducing sugar levels and food intake or during monthly cycles.

The Easy Hit Bead is guaranteed to eliminate the fluctuations of all degrees of middle vision and cross eye dominance, naturally, safely and instantly.

In fig 1 with no Easy Hit!! bead fitted the right shouldered shooter with a left cross dominant (or master) eye subconciously aligns her left eye with the bead, or the end of the barrel, and focuses on the target or the point she judges to be the correct lead.
The shooter has locked onto the centre of the camera lens showing the dramatic effect of her cross eye dominance. Right to left targets would be given too much lead and left to right targets too little. Driven and teal targets would be shot to the left. Left shouldered shooters will suffer the effects in reverse.

Right shouldered shooter with left dominant eye
In this illustration with no Easy Hit!! bead fitted the right shouldered shooter demonstrates a 'central,' 'shallow' or 'middle vision' affected eye. Again the shooter will subconciously align her eye with the bead, or the end of the barrel, whilst focusing on the target or the point she judges to be the correct lead totally unaware of the effect of her 'middle vision'

In fig 2 the shooter has locked onto the centre of the camera lens showing the more subtle and harder to detect effect of her eye dominance. Right to left targets would still be given too much lead and left to right targets too little. Driven and teal targets would again be shot to the left.
Again left shouldered shooters would suffer the results in reverse.
'Middle Vision' - neither eye appears dominant
In fig 3 with the Easy Hit!! bead now fitted, this right shouldered shooter with a genuine strong dominant left eye, illustrates the beads correcting effect. The bead has convinced the brain to give presedence to the eye over the rib. The shooter will now naturally be using her correct eye to focus on the target or the point she judges to be the correct lead.

She is shown here again locked onto the centre of the camera lens showing the effect of her corrected view. She can now confidently start to enjoy her improved results and gain experience, through practice, of correct lead in crossing targets and not shoot to the left (right for left shouldered shooters) of driven targets and teal.

Let's start with some facts about vision and sport:
30% of sportsmen and women require a correction for good visual acuity. (The same as for drivers. DVLA research).
Studies show that 10% of us remove our glasses to participate in sport.
10% of sportsmen and women have impaired binocular vision.
5% of sportsmen and women are colour blind.

Clay shooting is NOT an aiming sport such as rifle shooting. This means that like with most ball sports, good visual function is absolutely critical to good performance.

Key visual function skills can be considered to be the following:
Visual acuity and dynamic visual acuity.
Stereopsis (depth perception).
Peripheral awareness.
Glare recovery.

All of these key skills will be affected and in most cases, impossible without binocular vision i.e. with one eye closed.
The phenomenon of eye dominance is well established but its exact mechanism is poorly understood. What do we know?
Eye dominance parallels the asymmetry of the brain that is divided into two hemispheres with complimentary functions.
The depth of eye dominance is variable and can be overridden by the brain under certain circumstances.
Cross dominance is a common occurrence and does adversely affect performance in sport as does shallow dominance under certain circumstances.

What are our options in correcting dominance problems in clay shooting?
1. Closing one eye or occluding one eye: This is probably the method most commonly used amongst shooters but this will reduce or eliminate the shooters ability to carry out all of the key visual skills listed above, which are required to perform well.
2. Frosting: It is thought that the amount of frosting required on the dominant eye to resolve the cross dominance problem will have the same effective disruption on the binocular vision as total occlusion.